Ashlee Montague and Ashlee Casserly
Ashlee Rosa Montague may have performed many times. If you've not seen her in person, the five-year old Guinness World Record holder with an impressive track record has been on The Greatest Showman Live Show and also on American's Got Talent. Ashlee Casserly is also called Irish Real Estate Operation or House Flipper. The TV show Zombie House turning has helped make her famous across the globe. Her successes were astounding in the short period after her move from Ireland. Ashlee Cassidy as well as Justin Stamper an agent of commercial and real estate, have exchanged wedding vows. They have two children. The couple has not yet made a decision on their age or name. Justin and Ashlee were lovers for a long time prior to the wedding. Ashlee was able to move to United States during her undergraduate studies. She was granted a real estate license and was successful in it in 2007. Ashlee became the subject of the attention of the media when she began working with Zombie House Flipping. She has a passion for the purchase and sale of homes. Casserly established herself as an accomplished realtor. Casserly has a net-worth of around $1 million as of September 2023. The American opulence she lives in along with her family, husband and other family members. Ashlee is an agent in real estate who earns lots of money.

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